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We Need More Petrol Price Hikes for World Peace !

The recent petrol price hike is actually a good thing. I think the hidden motive of our Government behind the constant and big hikes in the petrol prices is concern for this country's citizen and their environment. Their ultimate goal is, I believe, world peace.

They want us to eventually stop consuming petrol altogether thus saving a precious, non-renewable resource.

No vehicles on the roads = no pollution and no accidents. It will also mean the end of corruption in traffic policemen since, no traffic means no traffic policemen.

In fact, for want of get-away vehicles, many crimes won't be committed at all. We will have a nearly crime-free society.

Without any means of transport, all produce will have to be sold locally. So the choicest of mangoes will not go abroad. Prices of all produce, including mangoes, will not rise due to rise in petrol prices. All produce will be sold at affordable prices.

People will need to walk everywhere. This will make them healthy. They will not fall ill. Life expectancy will go up.

People will become rich since they will save all the money they earlier spent on petrol and high-priced vegetables.

Healthy + Wealthy = Happy.

Some people will become industrious. They will work towards inventing alternate means of transport that don't use petrol. Some people will begin studying magic to figure out how Harry Potter, his school-mates, teachers and the like “apparate” and “disapparate”. Some others will study science and technology, more specifically Star Trek, to figure out how Scotty beamed Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock up and down from various planets. In short, most people will become very busy.

Happy + Busy = Not inclined to fight and no time to fight.

Walking this path for years on end, all humans will eventually lose the instinct to fight.

Automatically we shall have world peace.

So, I vote in favour of consistent petrol hikes. You should too. After all, don't we all want world peace ?


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