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A bit of madness :)

Two days ago, while in office, I received a call from R, the costume designer of KK that she needed my measurements for dungarees. I was on a tight schedule. I had a lot of work at office and then I had another rehearsal to attend. I couldn’t possibly take half an hour out to go to her place. So we decided that we would meet in a shopping mall that is on the way from office to the rehearsal and she could take measurements in the washroom of this mall (wait…wait…don’t react just yet…there’s more to come) and I could quickly be off on my way.

But as I left office, I realised that my bike had a puncture and a colleague was offering me a lift but he would be taking another route. So I called up R and asked her if she could pick me up on that route. Coincidentally there’s a small shopping complex on the alternate route. She agreed to pick me up outside this one. She was yet to arrive when I reached there. She was a little late and I started getting restless. It occurred to me that it would now take longer to go to the mall from this shopping complex and then take measurements in the washroom and I would surely be late for rehearsal. I started thinking about what to do. Just then she arrived and I voiced my concern. She and I spent approximately about half a minute before the same thought came to our minds and we looked at each other with a twinkle in the eye.

The shopping complex is an open two-storey structure (that, incidentally, doesn’t have a washroom!). On the ground floor there are a couple of shops. There is a flight of stairs that goes up to the first floor and to a small landing, four feet by four feet, where there are doors to three shops. One was open and two were closed. All this is clearly visible from the footpath on the street.

Many people were walking in and out of the shops on the ground floor. On the entry stairs and the stairs to the first floor, there were groups of collegians sitting around and chatting. R and I quietly scurried up the stairs. To the right was the open shop. We stationed ourselves in front of the closed door of the left-most shop…I put down my stuff…and…she whipped out her measuring tape and took my measurements ! In full view of the street and in the shopping complex buzzing with people ! We were done in three minutes flat and came down the stairs and out of the shopping complex quickly…we hopped on her bike and off we went ! If anybody has seen this, I'm sure they must think us to be the most shameless girls :))))

How we giggled all the way till she dropped me off at the rehearsal :) We were repeatedly saying that, we are the limit !

I have done some pretty weird and risqué things before…and this one is truly of that calibre…I really can do anything !


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