Change is one of the things that I find extremely daunting. I believe most people do.
As is my habit, I imagine some scenarios that I want to or I find likely to happen in the future. As I detail out each scenario in my mind, I come up with all the possible alternative situations and their implications on other factors, the thing that bothers me is the loss that follows change. There are thousands of books written about millions of techniques of ‘managing’ change. I find that they help only in rationalising the loss and acceptance of and adjustment to the ‘new’. At least that is how it works for me.
I understand, intellectually, that this is completely in tune with the law of nature. The old has to make way for the new. Still I mourn the loss of the old. My sentimental side wants to hold on to some parts of the old and assimilate them into the new. It is not always possible. That is what I feel upset and helpless about.
I was mulling over all this and simultaneously reading through my emails and here is what I stumbled upon – a quote by George Bernard Shaw, a writer I greatly respect:
“When people shake their heads because we are living in a restless age, ask them how they would like to live in stationary one, and do without change.”
Oh well ! Sigh !
I guess I am, as always, desiring the best and the most of all worlds ! :)