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Holi fun :)

Today we had great fun at office. We had given each team a colour to be dressed in. So we had 5 teams dressed in 5 colours. In the evening, we held a debate between teams. Each team had to prove why their own colour was the best and why others colours were no good. It was a very noisy debate with all kinds of logical and illogical, relevant and irrelevant arguments.

In the past, I used to take these things very seriously. So if anybody wasn’t fair or didn’t play the game seriously, I would get very upset. But after I started working, I felt that the whole purpose of playing the game is not actually playing the game. The point is to have some high-spirited fun, some togetherness. That’s all. So now I am really cool about it.

I find it great fun to observe how people behave in different situations…how their responses change or how ‘a leopard never changes it’s spots’. Today too I got to see so many characteristics of people. I see some people who are in a phase I used to be in, or reacting how I would have, some who have a totally different perspective, some who have grown beyond a point, some who are expressive and some who are not. There is so much to observe. I try not to be judgemental about what I see because I believe that these things are exposed quite unknown to us and also that they are beyond our control. I find it very educating. It confirms my previous observations or on rare occasions even surprises me. It teaches me how people form opinions, pass judgements, react to different stimuli. Most importantly I learn about myself…my positive points, my weaknesses…where I need to change myself, my outlook, my views, my behaviour…what I need to improve. In that sense I am wiser today as compared to yesterday !

You might wonder, if I was doing all this thinking, when did I have all that fun ? Actually the fun, the observation and the analysis all happen simultaneously. So even that is fun :)


You really had a lot of fun...I missed you! Keep blogging!!

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