A few months ago I had stated an intent and actively sought somebody’s guidance to fulfill it. I got a lot more help from this person than I had anticipated. I even started out on the track indicated by this person. Things have slowly begun to change. For the last couple of days I was feeling a little slack. My energy applied to this intent was dwindling. I was beginning to doubt or have negative thoughts about my abilities.
Suddenly this morning, a timely reminder…a little push…a small reassurance came from somebody with whom I have never had such interactions before and it happened out of the blue…when the topic was not even remotely being discussed ! This time too I got quite a lot.
I have been thinking why this help has come to me without asking for it. I think I needed a little bit right now and hence it came to me even though I had not asked for it. Also, I think I may not have consciously asked for it, but the other day I made a bucket list and I must have written or intended to write something in it which may have brought it to me. I don’t know for sure. I can only speculate. But one thing is for sure that I am indeed grateful for it.
My belief in The Law of Attraction is becoming firmer day by day :)