I've compiled some PLOW for the benefit for all those bright-eyed, bushy-tailed youngsters (NO, I'm not old. I'm mature and wise , OK?!) who can't wait to jump into the whirlpool called "Work" Freaky Friday Law : On Fridays you have the most work and the weather outside is magnificent and you are cooped up in office thus preventing you from enjoying it. If you don’t have much work, the weather is oppressive and you just don’t want to go out and you have to, for some office work. When It Rains, It Pours Law: This one is simple. When you have work, you have a humongous amount of it and you feel you'd give ANYthing for having none. But, when you don't have work, there's absolutely none. So much so that you actively create some for yourself out of sheer boredom (and the need to look busy when the higher-ups come strolling by !) You Can't Beat Boss Law: This is an old and unbeatable one actually. When y...