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Showing posts from November, 2010

Blatant Advertising :)

Well, this isn’t the first time that I am performing in Mumbai… And I can’t fathom why I didn’t think of putting information about my Mumbai shows (read: advertising our shows) on the blog ever before… But, better late than never… So, People, we are performing our Marathi play “ Tichee Satra Prakarne ” in the NCPA Theatre Festival on Saturday 27th November at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available online . So, dear regular readers (= a grand total of 3 ?) who can understand Marathi (all 3 ? *keeping fingers crossed*) do come ! Actually even if you understand a bit of Marathi, do come…because for one-thirds of the play we speak in Hindi + English :) And should you come for the show and like it, do come backstage and ask to meet me…we’ll talk about the play (= you will praise it) :D And should you come for the show and NOT like it, do come backstage and ask to meet me…we’ll talk about your blog :D And how will you know me ? You carry a black briefcase and I’ll carry a similar one…à la H...